Funny santa cards sayings

1. "Santa saw your Instagram, you're getting a dictionary for Christmas."

2. "Santa's watching, so be good for goodness' sake... or at least try to look busy."

3. "Santa's sleigh broke down, so he's taking Uber this year. Merry Christmas!"

4. "Santa knows if you've been bad or good, so just to be safe, be good for goodness' sake."

5. "Santa's favorite cookies are the ones you leave out for him... just saying."

6. "Santa's reindeer are on a diet this year, so leave out some kale instead of carrots."

7. "Santa's elves told me you've been extra naughty this year. Better luck next Christmas!"

8. "Santa's workshop called, they need more eggnog. Merry Christmas!"

9. "Santa's sleigh got a parking ticket last year, so this year he's double-checking the naughty list."

10. "Santa's reindeer are in a union now, so they're demanding more breaks. Merry Christmas!"

Above is Funny santa cards sayings.

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