Funny sayings abiut zoo

1. "The zoo is like a jungle gym for adults."

2. "At the zoo, even the animals are people-watching."

3. "Zoos: where the animals have more visitors than most celebrities."

4. "Visiting the zoo is like going on a safari, but with ice cream stands."

5. "Zoos: where the animals are the main attraction, but the gift shop is a close second."

6. "The zoo is the only place where you can see a giraffe and a penguin in the same day."

7. "Zoos: where the animals are the stars, and the humans are just the paparazzi."

8. "Visiting the zoo is like taking a walk on the wild side, without actually getting eaten."

9. "Zoos: where the monkeys are the real comedians, and the humans are just the audience."

10. "The zoo is the perfect place to see animals in their natural habitat...surrounded by concrete and glass."

Above is Funny sayings abiut zoo.

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