Funny sayings about 2020

1. "2020 is the year that needs to be put in timeout."

2. "2020: the year that made us all experts in hand-washing and Zoom calls."

3. "If 2020 was a person, it would be that one friend who always shows up late and causes chaos."

4. "2020: the year that made us all appreciate the little things, like toilet paper and haircuts."

5. "In 2020, we learned that Murphy's Law was just a warm-up act."

6. "2020: the year that made us all realize that maybe we weren't using our calendars enough."

7. "If 2020 was a math problem, it would be unsolvable."

8. "2020: the year that made us all question if we accidentally clicked 'hard mode' on life."

9. "2020: the year that made us all wonder if we accidentally broke a mirror or something."

10. "In 2020, we all became experts at the game of 'What's Next?'"

Above is Funny sayings about 2020.

It was him it wasn't me cartoon sayings

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1. Never forget.2. In loving memory.3. Always in our hearts.4. Gone but not forgotten.5. Forever remembered, forever missed.6. Honoring the heroes.7. We will never forget the sacrifice.8. In remembrance of those we lost.9. May we always remember and honor their legacy.

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Lao tze sayings

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Becoming a father quotes and sayings

1. A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow. 2. Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad. 3. The greatest gift I ever had came from God, I call him Dad. 4. A father carries pictures where his money used to be. 5. Becoming a father is easy, being