Funny sayings about baking

1. "Baking is my cardio... because I eat all the cookies I make."

2. "I'm not a regular baker, I'm a cool baker."

3. "Baking: the only time it's acceptable to play with your food."

4. "I knead dough, but I also knead a nap."

5. "I'm in a love triangle with flour and sugar."

6. "Baking is my therapy, but eating what I bake is my true happiness."

7. "I'm on a roll... a cinnamon roll, that is."

8. "Baking: where the magic happens and the calories don't count."

9. "I'm a baker, not a miracle worker... but my cakes are pretty close."

10. "Life is short, eat the cake... and then bake another one."

Above is Funny sayings about baking.

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