Funny sayings about blind man

1. "Blind man walks into a bar... and a table, and a chair."

2. "Why did the blind man fall down the well? Because he couldn't see that well."

3. "I asked a blind man if he had seen my keys. He said he didn't see the point."

4. "Why did the blind man bring a ladder to the bar? He heard the drinks were on the house."

5. "I told a blind man a joke about a window, but he didn't see it coming."

6. "Why did the blind man bring a pencil to the bar? In case he needed to draw some attention."

7. "I asked a blind man if he wanted to play hide and seek. He said, 'I'm game, but you'll have to hide first.'"

8. "Why did the blind man bring a steering wheel to the bar? He heard it was a blind spot."

9. "I told a blind man a joke about a mirror, but he couldn't see himself laughing."

10. "Why did the blind man bring a flashlight to the bar? He wanted to shed some light on the situation."

Above is Funny sayings about blind man.

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