Funny sayings about capitalism

1. "Capitalism is the art of turning luxuries into necessities."

2. "In capitalism, man exploits man. In socialism, it's the other way around."

3. "Capitalism: where the rich get richer and the poor get motivational quotes."

4. "Capitalism is like a game of Monopoly, except the rules are made by the players with the most money."

5. "Capitalism: the only system where you can buy a lifetime supply of something and still feel like you need more."

6. "Capitalism is the only system where you can sleep in a house you can't afford, drive a car you can't pay for, and eat food you can't pronounce."

7. "Capitalism: where the only thing that trickles down is the stress from the top."

8. "Capitalism is the best system for creating wealth, as long as you're not the one doing the creating."

9. "In capitalism, money talks. In socialism, it whispers sweet nothings."

10. "Capitalism: the only system where you can buy a $5 coffee and complain about the price while wearing $100 sneakers."

Above is Funny sayings about capitalism.

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