Funny sayings about cheaters

1. "Cheaters never prosper, unless they're playing Monopoly."

2. "Cheaters are like cats, they always land on their feet...and someone else's board game piece."

3. "Cheaters are like broken pencils, pointless."

4. "Cheaters are like socks in the dryer, they always seem to disappear when you least expect it."

5. "Cheaters are like bad WiFi connections, always unreliable."

6. "Cheaters are like expired milk, they may seem fine at first but eventually, they'll sour your whole experience."

7. "Cheaters are like mosquitoes, annoying and always buzzing around where they're not wanted."

8. "Cheaters are like fake designer bags, they may look good on the outside but they're just a cheap imitation."

9. "Cheaters are like bad weather, you never know when they're going to rain on your parade."

10. "Cheaters are like broken promises, they're never worth believing in."

Above is Funny sayings about cheaters.

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