Funny sayings about cowboys

1. "He's so country, he thinks a lasso is a fashion accessory."

2. "He's as lost as a cowboy in a soybean field."

3. "He's so tough, he brushes his teeth with a cactus."

4. "He's so cowboy, he puts hot sauce on his hot sauce."

5. "He's as stubborn as a mule with a cowboy hat."

6. "He's so wild, he makes a rodeo clown look tame."

7. "He's so cowboy, he thinks a two-step is a solution to every problem."

8. "He's as sharp as a rusty spur."

9. "He's so cowboy, he could start a campfire with just a stare."

10. "He's so rugged, he makes a grizzly bear look like a teddy bear."

Above is Funny sayings about cowboys.

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