Funny sayings about eggs

1. "I'm not cracked, I'm just a little scrambled."

2. "I'm like an egg, I crack under pressure."

3. "I'm not yolking around, eggs are egg-cellent."

4. "I'm walking on eggshells, but I'm still cracking jokes."

5. "I'm not sure if I'm hard-boiled or just a little fried."

6. "I'm like an egg, I'm always sunny side up."

7. "I'm not just an egghead, I've got a lot of shell-fidence."

8. "I'm not poaching ideas, I'm just egg-sperimenting."

9. "I'm not scrambling for answers, I'm just whisking my thoughts."

10. "I'm not poached, I'm just a little over-easy."

Above is Funny sayings about eggs.

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