Funny sayings about entitlement

1. "Entitlement is like a bad smell - everyone else notices it before you do."

2. "Entitlement is thinking you deserve a seat at the table without bringing anything to it."

3. "Entitlement is expecting a trophy for showing up, but forgetting to actually participate."

4. "Entitlement is like a broken record - it keeps playing the same tune of self-importance."

5. "Entitlement is like a bad joke - no one is laughing except the entitled."

6. "Entitlement is thinking the world owes you a living, but forgetting to put in the work."

7. "Entitlement is like a leaky faucet - it's annoying to everyone around you."

8. "Entitlement is like a black hole - it sucks in all the attention and leaves nothing in return."

9. "Entitlement is like a mirage - it looks real from afar, but disappears when you get close."

10. "Entitlement is like a virus - it infects your mindset and spreads to those around you."

Above is Funny sayings about entitlement.

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