Funny sayings about getting married

1. "Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning, all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end, you wish you had a club and a spade."

2. "Marriage is a workshop where the husband works and the wife shops."

3. "Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right, and the other is the husband."

4. "Marriage is when a man and woman become one. The trouble starts when they try to decide which one."

5. "Getting married is like a deck of cards. You start with two hearts and a diamond, but by the end, you're looking for a club and a spade."

6. "Marriage is like a phone call in the middle of the night. First comes the ring, and then you wake up."

7. "Marriage is a three-ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering."

8. "Marriage is a workshop where the husband works and the wife shops."

9. "Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right, and the other is the husband."

10. "Marriage is a bond between a person who never remembers anniversaries and another who never forgets them."

Above is Funny sayings about getting married.

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