Funny sayings about going to college

1. "College is the only place where you can be broke and still have a great time."

2. "College: where sleep is optional, but coffee is mandatory."

3. "I went to college to get a degree in procrastination."

4. "College is like a rollercoaster ride, except the only thing going up is your student debt."

5. "College: where the only thing more expensive than textbooks is the campus parking pass."

6. "I thought college would be all about parties and fun, turns out it's mostly about deadlines and stress."

7. "College is the only place where you can be both a student and a professional nap-taker."

8. "College: where the dining hall food is questionable, but the memories are unforgettable."

9. "I'm not sure if I'm getting an education in college or just a really expensive collection of sweatshirts."

10. "College is where you pay thousands of dollars to learn that you can survive on ramen noodles and instant coffee."

Above is Funny sayings about going to college.

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Urdu sayings about bha矛 bahen

1. Bhai ka pyar, behan ka pyar, dono hi anmol hain.2. Bhai behan ka rishta, khuda ki taraf se ek tohfa hai.3. Bhai behan ka pyar, duniya ki sabse khoobsurat rishte mein se ek hai.4. Bhai behan ki jodi, dil se judi hui hai.5. Bhai behan ka rishta, hamesha salamat rahe.

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