Funny sayings about hell

1. "Hell is just a sauna for sinners."

2. "Hell is where the devil gets his mail."

3. "Hell is like a bad vacation destination - eternal heat and no escape."

4. "Hell is where the air conditioning is broken and the fire never goes out."

5. "Hell is where the party never stops, but it's all karaoke and no good songs."

6. "Hell is where the wifi is slow and the coffee is cold."

7. "Hell is like a never-ending family reunion with all your least favorite relatives."

8. "Hell is where the only food is pineapple pizza and the only drink is warm beer."

9. "Hell is where the only TV channel is infomercials for eternity."

10. "Hell is where the only exercise is jumping to conclusions."

Above is Funny sayings about hell.

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