Funny sayings about humility

1. "Humility is like underwear; essential, but best kept hidden."

2. "I'm so humble, I make Mother Teresa look like Kanye West."

3. "I'm so humble, I bow to my own shadow."

4. "Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less...but I'm pretty great at it."

5. "I'm so humble, I once apologized to a door for walking into it."

6. "I'm so humble, I could win a humility contest without even trying."

7. "Humility is the art of being humble without bragging about it...oops, did I just brag?"

8. "I'm so humble, I put the 'me' in 'humble.'"

9. "I'm so humble, I make Gandhi look like a narcissist."

10. "Humility is the key to success, but let's not forget who's the most humble of them"

Above is Funny sayings about humility.

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