Funny sayings about ignorant people

1. "Some people are like a dictionary with missing pages - they're clueless."

2. "Ignorance is bliss, but it's also a great way to annoy intelligent people."

3. "Ignorance is like a bad haircut - it's hard to hide and everyone notices."

4. "Ignorance is not bliss, it's just plain annoying."

5. "Some people are so ignorant, they could trip over a wireless network."

6. "Ignorance is like a contagious disease - it spreads quickly and affects everyone around."

7. "Ignorance is like a blindfold - it keeps you in the dark and makes you stumble."

8. "Ignorance is like a flat tire - you can't go anywhere until you fix it."

9. "Ignorance is like a broken record - it keeps repeating the same mistakes."

10. "Ignorance is like a closed door - it blocks out knowledge and keeps you stuck inside."

Above is Funny sayings about ignorant people.

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