Funny sayings about jobless

1. "I'm not jobless, I'm just on a sabbatical from adulting."

2. "I'm not unemployed, I'm just in between career opportunities."

3. "I'm not jobless, I'm just exploring my options in the field of leisure."

4. "I'm not without a job, I'm just on a permanent vacation from the 9 to 5 grind."

5. "I'm not unemployed, I'm just on a prolonged coffee break."

6. "I'm not jobless, I'm just on a career hiatus."

7. "I'm not without a job, I'm just on a sabbatical from the rat race."

8. "I'm not unemployed, I'm just on a quest to find my true calling."

9. "I'm not jobless, I'm just taking an extended break from the daily grind."

10. "I'm not without a job, I'm just on a temporary leave of absence from the workforce."

Above is Funny sayings about jobless.

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