Funny sayings about love handles

1. "Love handles: the only thing that gets bigger when you're in a relationship."

2. "I don't have love handles, I have cuddle grips."

3. "Love handles: the result of too much love and not enough gym time."

4. "My love handles are just extra storage for all the love I have to give."

5. "Love handles: the perfect place to hold onto during a hug."

6. "I may have love handles, but at least I have something to hold onto."

7. "Love handles: the ultimate souvenir from a relationship."

8. "Who needs abs when you have love handles to keep you warm?"

9. "Love handles: the side effect of a happy relationship."

10. "Love handles: proof that I'm well-fed in both food and love."

Above is Funny sayings about love handles.

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