Funny sayings about makeup

1. "I'm not addicted to makeup, I'm just in a committed relationship with my mascara."

2. "I have enough makeup... said no one ever."

3. "I have a love-hate relationship with my eyeliner. Sometimes it loves me, sometimes it hates me."

4. "I put on makeup to hide the fact that I've been up all night watching makeup tutorials."

5. "My makeup routine is like a fine wine - it gets better with age."

6. "I'm not wearing makeup, I'm just enhancing my natural beauty... with a little help from Sephora."

7. "My makeup bag is like a magic trick - it can transform me from tired to fabulous in minutes."

8. "I don't sweat, I sparkle. Thanks, setting spray!"

9. "I have two moods: lipstick and more lipstick."

10. "I don't need a prince charming, I need a makeup artist."

Above is Funny sayings about makeup.

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Bar necklace sayings

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