Funny sayings about pastors

1. "A pastor is like a shepherd, except instead of sheep, they herd a congregation of wild cats."

2. "Being a pastor is like being a referee in a game where everyone thinks they know the rules better than you."

3. "A pastor's job is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."

4. "A pastor's sermons are like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get."

5. "Being a pastor is like being a stand-up comedian, except the audience is praying for you to be funny."

6. "A pastor is like a superhero, but instead of a cape, they wear a robe."

7. "A pastor's schedule is so busy, even God had to schedule an appointment."

8. "Being a pastor is like being a therapist, except you have to listen to everyone's problems on Sunday mornings."

9. "A pastor's job is to lead the flock, but sometimes it feels more like herding cats."

10. "A pastor's life is like a rollercoaster - full of ups and downs, and occasionally someone throws up."

Above is Funny sayings about pastors.

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