Funny sayings about poop

1. "Poop is like a surprise package, you never know what you're gonna get."

2. "Poop: nature's way of saying 'you're full'."

3. "Life is like a box of chocolates, except sometimes it's more like a box of poop."

4. "Poop: the ultimate equalizer, because everyone does it."

5. "They say money talks, but poop speaks volumes."

6. "Poop: the unsung hero of the bathroom."

7. "In the game of life, poop is the ultimate wildcard."

8. "When life gives you poop, make fertilizer."

9. "Poop: the original renewable resource."

10. "Some people make poop jokes, but I prefer to keep it classy... and just laugh at them."

Above is Funny sayings about poop.

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2 piece sayings

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High school senior sayings

1. We came as strangers, we leave as friends.2. The tassel was worth the hassle.3. We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.4. It's not the end, it's just the beginning.5. We may be leaving high school, but high school will never leave us.6. Goodbye high