Funny sayings about technology

1. "I asked my computer to tell me a joke, but all it said was 'Error 404: Humor not found.'"

2. "I'm not addicted to technology, we're just in a committed relationship."

3. "I have a love-hate relationship with my computer. It loves to crash, and I hate it."

4. "My smartphone is smarter than me. It knows all my passwords and still won't tell me where I left my keys."

5. "I tried to take a selfie with my new smart fridge, but it just kept saying 'Not enough storage space.'"

6. "My computer is like a teenager - it has a lot of potential, but it's always crashing."

7. "I asked Siri for relationship advice, and she told me to update my software."

8. "I have a great relationship with my laptop. We both go to sleep at the same time."

9. "My WiFi password is longer and more complicated than most of my relationships."

10. "I have a love-hate relationship with autocorrect. It's always trying to duck with me."

Above is Funny sayings about technology.

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