Funny sayings about the cold

1. "I'm not sure if I'm shivering from the cold or just dancing to the beat of my own teeth chattering."

2. "The only thing getting me through this cold weather is the thought of all the extra layers I get to wear and pretend I'm a fashion icon."

3. "I like my weather how I like my ice cream - cold and with a chance of brain freeze."

4. "I'm so cold, I'm considering hibernating until spring. Wake me up when it's warm again."

5. "Winter is nature's way of telling you to stay in bed and binge-watch Netflix."

6. "My winter body is just my regular body with more layers of clothing to keep warm."

7. "I've never met a snowflake that I didn't want to immediately melt."

8. "Cold weather is just an excuse to drink more hot chocolate and wear fuzzy socks all day."

9. "I'm not saying it's cold outside, but I just saw a snowman shivering."

10. "The only thing colder than the weather outside is my heart before my morning coffee."

Above is Funny sayings about the cold.

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