Funny sayings about travel

1. "I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list."

2. "Jet lag is just your body's way of telling you that you're living your best life."

3. "I travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape me."

4. "I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my bucket list."

5. "I need a vacation from my vacation."

6. "Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer."

7. "Adventure may hurt you, but monotony will kill you."

8. "I have a therapist, her name is Travel."

9. "I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my radar."

10. "I have a love-hate relationship with travel. I love to explore, but I hate packing."

Above is Funny sayings about travel.

Inspirational sayings for sickness

1. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. - Mahatma Gandhi2. You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice. - Bob Marley3. The only way out is through. - Robert Frost4. Every setback is a setup for a comeback. - Joel Ostee

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1. I don't iron. I just embrace the wrinkles.2. I'm not lazy, I'm just on wrinkle time.3. I'm not a perfectionist, I'm just anti-ironing.4. I don't need an iron, I have a 'wrinkle release' setting on my dryer.5. Ironing is my cardio...said no one ever.6. I'm not avoiding ironing, I'm just

I m as cool as sayings

That's great to hear! Being as cool as sayings means you have a way with words and can express yourself in a unique and interesting manner. Keep being cool and expressing yourself in your own way!

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1. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. - Dr. Seuss2. Imagination is the golden-eyed monster that never sleeps. It must be fed; it cannot be ignored. - Patricia A. McKillip3. Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It

Appropriate sayings on mugs canada

1. Eh, good morning, eh!2. Sorry, not sorry - I need my coffee.3. Keep calm and drink maple syrup.4. Rise and shine, eh!5. Sippin' on that Canadian kindness.6. Oh Canada, pour me another cup.7. Coffee, the unofficial national drink of Canada.8. Start your day the Canadian way.9. Map

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Hot mama sayings

1. She's a firecracker!2. She's smokin' hot!3. She's a real hottie!4. She's a spicy senorita!5. She's a total babe!6. She's on fire!7. She's a sizzling sensation!8. She's a real knockout!9. She's a bombshell!10. She's a red-hot mama!

Happy wishes sayings

1. May your days be filled with joy, laughter, and love.2. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and success.3. May your heart be light, your mind be at peace, and your spirit be free.4. Here's to a future filled with endless possibilities and endless happiness.5. May your life be as bright a

Bob marley love quotes and sayings

1. The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for. - Bob Marley2. One love, one heart, one destiny. - Bob Marley3. Love the life you live. Live the life you love. - Bob Marley4. The biggest coward is a man who awakens a woman's love with no inte

Postcards sayings

1. Wish you were here!2. Sending you sunny vibes from [destination].3. Exploring new places, missing you.4. Greetings from afar, thinking of you.5. Having a blast, wish you were here to share it.6. Discovering new adventures, wish you were by my side.7. Sending love and postcards from [