Funny sayings about turning 70 jokes

1. "At 70, you've earned the right to forget people's names and just call them 'hey you.'"

2. "Turning 70 is like being 21, but with 49 years of experience."

3. "At 70, you start to realize that the only exercise you need is pushing your luck."

4. "They say life begins at 40, but at 70, life begins to resemble a really long nap."

5. "At 70, you can finally start using the 'senior discount' as a valid excuse for everything."

6. "Turning 70 is like being a fine wine - you're getting better with age, but you might also be a little corked."

7. "At 70, you can officially start telling people you're 'vintage' instead of just old."

8. "They say 70 is the new 50, but let's be real - at 70, you're just happy to remember where you left your keys."

9. "At 70, you've reached the age where 'getting lucky' means finding your car in the parking lot on the first try."

10. "Turning 70 is like being a teenager again, except now you have a lifetime supply of dad jokes."

Above is Funny sayings about turning 70 jokes.

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