Funny sayings about washing dishes

1. "I don't always wash dishes, but when I do, it's because I've run out of clean ones."

2. "Washing dishes is like a never-ending battle between me and the dirty plates."

3. "I like to think of washing dishes as my daily arm workout."

4. "If only washing dishes burned as many calories as it does my patience."

5. "I have a love-hate relationship with washing dishes - I love having clean dishes, but hate actually washing them."

6. "Washing dishes is like a never-ending cycle of getting them clean, only for them to get dirty again."

7. "I'm convinced that dishes multiply when I'm not looking."

8. "Washing dishes is the ultimate test of my procrastination skills."

9. "I wish my bank account filled up as quickly as my sink does with dirty dishes."

10. "Washing dishes: the only time I feel like a professional plate spinner."

Above is Funny sayings about washing dishes.

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