Funny sayings about winter coming

1. "Winter is coming, and I'm not ready to let go of my summer body yet."

2. "Winter is like a bad ex - it always comes back when you least expect it."

3. "Winter is nature's way of telling us to stay inside and eat cookies."

4. "Winter is the season where my heating bill goes up and my motivation goes down."

5. "Winter is coming, and so is my hibernation mode."

6. "Winter is the time of year when my car becomes a frozen wasteland of forgotten snacks."

7. "Winter is coming, and so is my annual struggle to find matching gloves."

8. "Winter is like a bad haircut - you just have to wait it out until it grows back."

9. "Winter is coming, and I'm already mentally preparing myself for the battle with my snow shovel."

10. "Winter is the season where I have a love-hate relationship with my fuzzy socks."

Above is Funny sayings about winter coming.

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