Funny sayings for kdis

1. "Why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many problems!"

2. "What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear!"

3. "Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!"

4. "What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus!"

5. "Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself? It was two tired!"

6. "What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite!"

7. "Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!"

8. "What do you call a fish wearing a crown? A kingfish!"

9. "Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!"

10. "What do you call a bear with no ears? B!"

Above is Funny sayings for kdis.

Christian cookie jar sayings

1. Jesus is the sweetest name I know.2. God's love is the best ingredient.3. Blessed are the cookie makers, for they shall be called children of God.4. Take one cookie and pass it on, share God's love with everyone.5. In God's kitchen, there's always room for cookies.6. Let your light shi

As accurate as sayings

Actions speak louder than words.

Art with sayings

Here are a few art pieces with sayings that you might enjoy:1. Create your own sunshine - A bright and colorful painting with this uplifting message in the center.2. Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire - A bold and dynamic abstract piece with this empowering quote integrate

Father daughter quotes and sayings in kannada

1. ತಂದೆಯ ಪ್ರೀತಿಯ ಕೊರತೆಯನ್ನು ನನ್ನ ಹೃದಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಭರಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ. Translation: It is impossible to fill the void of a father's love in my heart.2. ತಂದೆಯ ಮಾತುಗಳು ನನ್ನ ಮನಸ್ಸಿಗೆ ಶಾಂತಿ ತಂದುಕೊಡುತ್ತವೆ. Translation: My father's words bring peace to my mind.3. ತಂದೆಯ ಪ್ರೀತಿಯೇ ನನ್ನ ಬಲ. Translation: My

Black ank white canvas art sayings

Here are some ideas for black and white canvas art sayings:1. Dream big, work hard, stay focused2. Be the change you wish to see in the world3. Inhale courage, exhale fear4. Create your own sunshine5. Believe in yourself6. Let your light shine7. Stay positive, work hard, make it happen

Cute pop tart sayings

1. Pop tart perfection!2. Sweet and sassy pop tart!3. Pop tart love at first bite!4. Pop tart happiness in every bite!5. Life is better with pop tarts!6. Pop tart magic in every toaster!7. Pop tart bliss in every bite!8. Pop tart dreams do come true!9. Pop tart joy in every flavor!

60 year old funny birthday sayings

1. At 60, you're like a fine wine - aged to perfection and only getting better with time!2. Happy 60th birthday! Remember, age is just a number... a really big number in your case!3. 60 is the new 40... until you try to get out of bed in the morning!4. They say 60 is the new 40, but let's be

Cody and noel sayings

Cody Ko and Noel Miller are known for their humorous and witty sayings on their YouTube channel, Tiny Meat Gang. Some of their popular catchphrases and sayings include:1. That's cringe.2. Big yikes.3. Suh dude.4. Trash.5. We're just a couple of goofballs.6. That's a big oof.7. I'm bab

8 th birthday sayings

1. Turning 8 is great, let's celebrate!2. Eight years old and oh so bold!3. Hooray for 8 today!4. Eight years of joy, laughter, and fun!5. Happy 8th birthday, may your day be great in every way!6. Eight candles, eight wishes, one amazing birthday!7. You're growing up so fast, happy 8th

Beeing quick sayings

1. Time waits for no one.2. Strike while the iron is hot.3. The early bird catches the worm.4. In the blink of an eye.5. Make haste, not waste.6. Act now, think later.7. Fortune favors the bold.8. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.9. Speed is of the essence.10. Ca