Funny sayings for playing cards

1. "I'm not a card shark, I'm a card goldfish."

2. "I shuffle like a pro, but I play like a beginner."

3. "I'm not superstitious, but I always knock on wood before a big hand."

4. "I'm not bluffing, I just have a really bad poker face."

5. "I play cards like I live life - with a lot of luck and a little strategy."

6. "I'm not sure if I'm winning because I'm good or because everyone else is just really bad."

7. "I may not be the king of hearts, but I'm definitely the joker of the deck."

8. "I always play my cards right... until I don't."

9. "I'm not a card magician, but I can make my money disappear pretty quickly at the poker table."

10. "I'm not a card expert, but I know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em."

Above is Funny sayings for playing cards.

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