Funny sayings for welcome home signs

1. "Welcome back! Did you bring snacks?"

2. "Home is where the WiFi connects automatically. Welcome back!"

3. "Warning: Loud music, laughter, and love ahead. Welcome home!"

4. "Home sweet home, where pants are optional. Welcome back!"

5. "Welcome home! Please excuse the mess, we live here."

6. "Home is where the heart is... and also where the pizza delivery guy knows us by name. Welcome back!"

7. "Welcome home! Prepare to be greeted by a lot of love and a little bit of chaos."

8. "Home is where the fridge is always stocked and the love is overflowing. Welcome back!"

9. "Welcome home! We missed you more than the dog misses his favorite chew toy."

10. "Home is where you can be yourself... unless you're a serial killer. Welcome back!"

Above is Funny sayings for welcome home signs.

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