Funny sayings nervous as

"A nervous wreck is just a jumpy castle without the fun!"

Above is Funny sayings nervous as.

Jimmy clitheroe sayings

Jimmy Clitheroe was a popular British comedian known for his catchphrases and humorous sayings. Some of his famous lines include:1. Don't get your knickers in a twist!2. It's a cracker!3. I'm in trouble again!4. You can't have your cake and eat it!5. I'm only little!6. I'm only doing it f

Sayings with cupcakes

1. Life is short, eat the cupcake.2. Cupcakes are muffins that believed in miracles.3. Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not. Time for a cupcake.4. Cupcakes are the sweetest way to say 'I love you'.5. Cupcakes make everything better.6. Keep calm and eat a cupcak

Anniversary poems or sayings for sons

1. To my dear son on your anniversary, may your love continue to grow stronger each day, just like the bond we share. Happy Anniversary!2. On this special day, I celebrate not only your love for your partner but also the love and joy you bring into our lives. Happy Anniversary, son!3. As you ce

Cute sayings for kids money

1. A penny saved is a penny earned!2. Money doesn't grow on trees, but it can grow in your piggy bank!3. Save your pennies for a rainy day!4. Don't spend it all in one place!5. A little saving now can lead to big dreams later!6. Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy ice cream!7. Be

April fools sayings for friends

1. I heard they're making a movie about your life... it's called 'The Great Prankster!'2. I just saw a UFO outside your house... oh wait, it was just your reflection in the window!3. I have a surprise for you... just kidding, April Fools!4. I heard you won the lottery... the 'Fooled You' lott

Aromatherapy sayings

1. Inhale the good vibes, exhale the negativity.2. Let the scents of nature heal your soul.3. Essential oils are nature's gift for well-being.4. Breathe in peace, breathe out stress.5. Let the fragrance of essential oils uplift your spirit.6. Aromatherapy: where science meets soul.7. Sc

Best friend goodbye short quotes sayings

1. Goodbyes are not forever, are not the end; it simply means I'll miss you until we meet again. 2. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. 3. Goodbyes are not the end, they simply mean I'll miss you until we meet again. 4. Farewell, my friend. Until we meet again, may your jo

Kitchen chopping board sayings

1. Chop it like it's hot2. Keep calm and chop on3. Chop chop, time to cook4. A sharp knife is a chef's best friend5. Chop it like you mean it6. Cooking is love made visible7. Chop, chop, hooray!8. Chop it up, spice it up9. Chop till you drop10. In the kitchen, we trust the choppin

Evens probability sayings

1. The probability of flipping a fair coin and getting heads is 50%.2. There is a 1 in 6 chance of rolling a 6 on a standard six-sided die.3. Drawing a red card from a standard deck of playing cards has a probability of 1/2.4. The likelihood of selecting a black marble from a bag containing 4

Sayings on christmas

1. Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. - Calvin Coolidge2. Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. - Norman Vincent Peale3. Christmas is the day that holds all time together. - Alexander Smith4. Christmas is the