Funny sayings on torch

1. "A torch is like a best friend in the dark - always there to light the way."

2. "I'm not afraid of the dark, I have a torch and a sense of humor."

3. "Shine bright like a torch in a power outage."

4. "A torch is a beacon of hope in a sea of darkness."

5. "I don't always carry a torch, but when I do, it's to light up the room and make everyone laugh."

6. "Torch: the original portable light source, and a great prop for impromptu shadow puppet shows."

7. "In a world full of darkness, be the torch that lights up the room and the mood."

8. "A torch is like a magic wand - wave it around and watch the shadows dance."

9. "They say laughter is the best medicine, but a torch comes in a close second when the power goes out."

10. "Who needs a knight in shining armor when you have a torch in hand to light the way?"

Above is Funny sayings on torch.

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