Funny sayings quotes for millwrights

1. "A millwright's motto: If it moves and it shouldn't, use duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, use WD-40."

2. "Millwrights don't need luck, they have precision and a hammer."

3. "Millwrights: Turning wrenches and turning heads."

4. "Measure twice, cut once, swear a lot - the millwright way."

5. "I'm a millwright, I don't need therapy, I just need a bigger hammer."

6. "Millwrights: Keeping things running smoothly, one curse word at a time."

7. "The difference between a millwright and a magician? A magician only has one wand."

8. "Millwrights: Solving problems you didn't even know you had in ways you can't understand."

9. "If at first you don't succeed, call a millwright."

10. "Millwrights: Making the impossible possible, and the possible look easy."

Above is Funny sayings quotes for millwrights.

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