Funny sayings t shirt child hockey

"How to be a goalie: just stand there and don't let anything past you... easy, right?"

Above is Funny sayings t shirt child hockey.

Funny mexican sayings about love

1. Amor de lejos, amor de pendejos. (Love from afar, love for fools.)2. El amor es ciego, pero los vecinos no. (Love is blind, but the neighbors aren't.)3. En el amor y en la guerra, todo se vale. (In love and war, anything goes.)4. El amor es como la salsa, si no pica no es amor. (Love is l

Sayings happy easter quotes

1. Wishing you a joyful and blessed Easter filled with love and happiness.2. May this Easter bring you hope, peace, and new beginnings.3. Easter is a time of renewal and rebirth. May you find joy in the season.4. Sending you Easter blessings and warm wishes for a wonderful day.5. May the sp

Catchy sayings for power washing flyers and lawn care

1. Revitalize Your Home with a Power Wash!2. Make Your Lawn the Envy of the Neighborhood!3. Clean, Green, and Serene - Let Us Take Care of Your Yard!4. Power Washing: Transforming Dirt into Shine!5. From Grime to Shine - Power Washing at Its Best!6. Lawn Care Excellence: Where Beauty Meet

Working man quotes and sayings

1. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. - Tim Notke2. Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come. - Dwayne Johnson3. The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. - Vidal Sasso

Sayings about virtue

1. Virtue is the beauty of the soul. - Plato2. Virtue is the only true nobility. - Napoleon Bonaparte3. Virtue is the golden mean between two vices. - Aristotle4. Virtue is its own reward. - Cicero5. Virtue is the most valuable possession. - Socrates6. Virtue is the strength and power of

Best attitude quotes sayings

1. Your attitude determines your direction.2. Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. - Winston Churchill3. Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choos

Svg kitchen sayings

Sure, here are a few kitchen sayings in SVG format:1. Happiness is homemade```svg ```2. Cooking is love made visible```svg ```3. The kitchen is the heart of the home```svg ```Feel free to let me know if you would like more kitchen sayings in SVG format!

Hippie sayings of the 60& 39

1. Make love, not war.2. Peace, love, and happiness.3. Turn on, tune in, drop out.4. Give peace a chance.5. Free your mind and your ass will follow.6. Love is all you need.7. Keep on truckin'.8. Question authority.9. Do your own thing.10. Let your freak flag fly.

Witty spring sayings

1. Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!' 2. Bloom where you are planted, just like a spring flower. 3. Spring: the time of year when nature gets a makeover. 4. Spring is a reminder that change can be beautiful. 5. Spring showers bring May flowers, and hopefully some sunshine too.

Cool sayings about yourself

1. I am a force to be reckoned with.2. I am the architect of my own destiny.3. I am a warrior, not a worrier.4. I am a diamond in the rough, shining brightly.5. I am a masterpiece in progress.6. I am a rare breed, one of a kind.7. I am a dreamer with my feet firmly planted on the ground