Funny sayings to write on cars

1. "Honk if you love bad puns!"

2. "My other car is a broomstick."

3. "Caution: Driver singing badly."

4. "If you can read this, you're too close."

5. "I'm not speeding, I'm qualifying."

6. "Sorry for driving so close in front of you."

7. "My driving scares me too."

8. "This car runs on coffee and sarcasm."

9. "I'm not lost, I'm exploring."

10. "If you can't see my mirrors, I can't see you."

Above is Funny sayings to write on cars.

Biker sayings and quotes tattoos

1. Ride free, live hard2. Born to ride, forced to work3. Two wheels, one love4. Live to ride, ride to live5. Ride or die6. In the wind, I am free7. Fear the biker with the tattoo8. Life is a journey, enjoy the ride9. Ride like the wind, chase the sun10. Biker for life

Sayings about the dutch

1. Going Dutch - splitting the bill or expenses equally among a group of people.2. Dutch courage - bravery or confidence gained from alcohol.3. Dutch treat - an outing or meal where each person pays for their own expenses.4. If you ain't Dutch, you ain't much - a saying that emphasizes the p

Sayings about diamonds and pressure

1. A diamond is just a piece of charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well. 2. Pressure can either crush you or turn you into a diamond. 3. Diamonds are created under pressure, and so are strong souls. 4. In the pressure cooker of life, diamonds are formed. 5. Like a diamond, the more

Fort worth sayings

1. Fort Worth, where the West begins.2. Keep Fort Worth funky.3. Fort Worth, where the cowboys roam.4. Fort Worth, where the sunsets are bigger.5. Fort Worth, where the hospitality is as big as Texas.6. Fort Worth, where the stockyards tell stories.7. Fort Worth, where the art scene is

Cute get well sayings for girlfriend

1. Sending you lots of love and healing vibes to help you get better soon.2. I miss your smile and laughter, can't wait to see you feeling better.3. Even when you're not feeling your best, you're still the most beautiful person to me.4. I'll be by your side through sickness and health, always

Darren knight sayings

Darren Knight, also known as Southern Momma, is a comedian known for his humorous Southern-style comedy. Some popular sayings and catchphrases associated with him include:1. Lord have mercy!2. Bless your heart.3. Ain't nobody got time for that!4. Well, butter my biscuit!5. I'm just sayin'..

Motivational sayings posters

1. Believe you can and you're halfway there.2. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.3. The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible.4. Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep go

Hindi sayings for kids

1. जैसा करोगे वैसा भरोगे। (As you sow, so shall you reap.)2. अंधों में काना राजा। (In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.)3. दूर के ढोल सुहावने। (The grass is always greener on the other side.)4. अपना भला सबके लिए। (What is good for you is good for everyone.)5. जब जागो तब सवेरा। (It's n

Back door decal sayings

1. Beware of Dog2. No Soliciting3. Smile, You're on Camera4. Welcome Friends5. Private Property6. Guard Dog on Duty7. Keep Out8. Ring Bell for Service9. Authorized Personnel Only10. This is Our Happy Place

Cute sayings about dinosaurs

1. You're dino-mite!2. You make my heart saur!3. You're roarsome!4. You're dyno-mite!5. You're rawr-some!6. You're dino-mite to be around!7. You're dino-mite, just like a T-Rex!8. You're dino-riffic!9. You're dino-mite, just like a Stegosaurus!10. You're dino-mite, just like a Vel