Funny sayings womens clothing

1. "I'm not bossy, I just have better ideas."

2. "I run on coffee, sarcasm, and lipstick."

3. "I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom."

4. "I'm not a hot mess, I'm a spicy disaster."

5. "I'm not a shopaholic, I'm helping the economy."

6. "I'm too glam to give a damn."

7. "I'm not a snack, I'm the whole damn meal."

8. "I'm not high maintenance, I just know what I want."

9. "I'm not a regular girl, I'm a glitter-covered unicorn."

10. "I'm not a princess, I'm a queen bee."

Above is Funny sayings womens clothing.

Mojito quotes and sayings

1. A mojito is not just a drink, it's a lifestyle. 2. When life gives you lemons, make a mojito. 3. Sip, relax, repeat - the mojito mantra. 4. In a world full of cocktails, be a mojito. 5. Mojitos are like a vacation in a glass. 6. Keep calm and drink a mojito. 7. Mojitos: the perfect b

Rain jokes humor sayings

1. Why did the raindrop go to the therapist? Because it had a lot of emotional baggage!2. What do you call a wet bear? A drizzly bear!3. Why did the weather report go to therapy? It had a lot of precipitation!4. How does a raincoat greet another raincoat? Long time, no sea!5. What do you call a di

Imam ali naqi sayings

Imam Ali al-Naqi, also known as Imam Ali al-Hadi, was the tenth Shia Imam. Here are some sayings attributed to him:1. The best of your brothers is the one who forgets your mistakes and remembers your good deeds.2. The best of people is the one who benefits others.3. The best of wealth is conten

Cool dance sayings t-shirts

1. Dance like no one is watching2. Eat, sleep, dance, repeat3. Dance is the hidden language of the soul4. Life is better when you dance5. Dance first, think later6. Dance is the joy of movement and the heart of life7. Dance with your heart and your feet will follow8. Dance is the only

Dudeism sayings

1. The Dude abides.2. Take it easy, man.3. This aggression will not stand, man.4. Just take 'er easy, man.5. Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.6. Sometimes you eat the bar, and, well, sometimes the bar eats you.7. The Dude minds.8. Life goes on, man.9. The D

Great season clipart sayings

1. Fall in love with autumn.2. Leaves are falling, autumn is calling.3. Pumpkin spice and everything nice.4. Sweater weather is better weather.5. Harvest blessings and autumn wishes.6. Autumn leaves and pumpkins please.7. Falling for fall.8. Autumn skies and pumpkin pies.9. Every le

Retirement sayings for cups

1. Retired and loving it!2. Sipping into retirement3. Cheers to a life of leisure4. Retirement: where every day is a weekend5. Living the retired life, one cup at a time6. Retired and still brewing happiness7. Retirement: the perfect blend of relaxation and adventure8. Enjoying the si

Unbelieveable paranormal sayings

1. The spirits of the past linger in the shadows, whispering secrets of the unknown.2. Beware the haunted mirror, for it reflects not only your image but also the souls of the departed.3. In the dead of night, the walls of the old house come alive with the echoes of ghostly footsteps.4. The w

Pillows with sayings amazon

Here are some examples of pillows with sayings that you can find on Amazon:1. Home Sweet Home Pillow2. Good Vibes Only Pillow3. Love You More Pillow4. You Are My Sunshine Pillow5. Live Laugh Love Pillow6. Home Is Where the Heart Is Pillow7. Blessed Pillow8. Home is Wherever I'm With Y

Irish mammy sayings book

There are several books that compile Irish mammy sayings and humor. One popular book is Irish Mammy in Your Pocket: A Pocket-Sized Collection of Classic Irish Mammy Sayings by Colm O'Regan. This book features a collection of humorous and heartwarming sayings that are commonly associated with Irish