Funny scottish birthday sayings

1. "Lang may yer lum reek!" (May your chimney always smoke!)

2. "A guid Scotsman's birthday is aye a braw day!" (A good Scotsman's birthday is always a great day!)

3. "Hae a braw birthday, ye wee scunner!" (Have a great birthday, you little rascal!)

4. "May yer birthday be as bonnie as a highland coo!" (May your birthday be as beautiful as a highland cow!)

5. "Dinnae fash yersel, it's just anither year older!" (Don't worry, it's just another year older!)

6. "Here's tae ye, like the Scots say, may ye live as lang as ye want and never want as long as ye live!"

7. "Ye're no gettin' auld, ye're just gettin' mair classic!"

8. "May yer birthday be filled wi' laughter, joy, and plenty o' haggis!"

9. "Ye're a rare find, like a unicorn in the Highlands - special and magical!"

10. "Lang may yer lum reek, yer spurtle never break, and yer haggis aye be braw on yer birthday!"

Above is Funny scottish birthday sayings.

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