Funny scottish wedding sayings

1. "May yer love be as strong as a Highland bull and as lasting as a fine Scotch whisky."

2. "Here's tae the bride and groom, may their marriage be as braw as a bonnie Highland sunset."

3. "May yer marriage be as happy as a clam at high tide in Loch Ness."

4. "Lang may yer lum reek with love and laughter."

5. "May yer marriage be as smooth as a wee dram of Glenfiddich."

6. "Here's tae the newlyweds, may their love be as fierce as a Highland storm."

7. "May yer marriage be as joyful as a ceilidh dance and as sweet as shortbread."

8. "Wishing the bride and groom a lifetime of happiness, like finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow."

9. "May yer love be as deep as Loch Lomond and as enduring as the Scottish Highlands."

10. "Here's tae the happy couple, may their marriage be as strong as a castle wall and as cozy as a wee bothy fire."

Above is Funny scottish wedding sayings.

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