Funny smoother than sayings

1. "As smooth as a buttered penguin sliding down a rainbow."

2. "Smoother than a jazz saxophonist on a slip 'n slide."

3. "As smooth as a ninja cat sneaking through a room full of sleeping puppies."

4. "Smoother than a silk pillowcase on a freshly shaved head."

5. "As smooth as a salsa dancer gliding on a dance floor covered in melted chocolate."

6. "Smoother than a well-oiled robot doing the moonwalk."

7. "As smooth as a dolphin doing synchronized swimming with a school of fish."

8. "Smoother than a baby's bottom coated in baby oil."

9. "As smooth as a cool cucumber wearing sunglasses."

10. "Smoother than a penguin in a tuxedo waltzing on an ice rink."

Above is Funny smoother than sayings.

Appreciation twizzler sayings

1. You're the twist to my twizzler.2. Twizzler love is sweet and long-lasting.3. Life is better with twizzlers, just like it's better with you.4. Twizzlers are red, violets are blue, you're the sweetest thing, and that's true.5. Twizzlers and you, a perfect match made in candy heaven.6. T

Baby blessing sayings for quilts

1. May this quilt wrap you in warmth and love, like a hug from heaven above.2. Bless this baby with sweet dreams and cozy nights, wrapped in this quilt so warm and bright.3. May this quilt be a reminder of the love that surrounds you, keeping you safe and snug in all that you do.4. As you snu

Dont judge sayings

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind always.

Home loan sayings

1. A home is a place where memories are made and dreams are built.2. Home is where the heart is, and a loan can help make that dream a reality.3. Invest in your future, invest in a home.4. A home loan is not just a financial commitment, it's an investment in your family's future.5. Owning a

Beautiful sayings about dogs

1. A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself. - Josh Billings2. Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them, and filling an emptiness we didn't even know we had. - Thom Jones3. The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as uncon

Common maryland sayings

1. Hon - A term of endearment used in Baltimore, often used to refer to a woman.2. O say can you see - The opening line of the national anthem, written by Francis Scott Key in Maryland.3. Crab cakes and football, that's what Maryland does! - A popular saying highlighting two of Maryland's favo

Short sayings about 2020

1. 2020: A year of challenges and resilience.2. In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.3. Stronger together, even when apart.4. Adversity reveals our true strength.5. Finding light in the darkness of 2020.6. 2020: A year of growth through adversity.7. Embracing change in a yea

Snow cone sayings

1. Chill out with a snow cone!2. Scoop up some fun with a snow cone!3. Stay cool with a snow cone treat!4. Satisfy your sweet tooth with a snow cone!5. Snow cones are snow much fun!6. Beat the heat with a refreshing snow cone!7. Life is better with a snow cone in hand!8. Taste the rai

Classroom sayings spanish

1. El conocimiento es poder (Knowledge is power)2. La práctica hace al maestro (Practice makes perfect)3. Nadie nace sabiendo (Nobody is born knowing everything)4. El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta (Don't bite off more than you can chew)5. Más vale tarde que nunca (Better late than never)6

It's ok quotes sayings

1. It's okay not to be okay.2. It's okay to take a break and prioritize self-care.3. It's okay to make mistakes, they are opportunities for growth.4. It's okay to ask for help when you need it.5. It's okay to let go of things that no longer serve you.6. It's okay to not have everything fi