Funny soccer t shirts sayings

1. "I bend it like Beckham... in my dreams"

2. "Soccer is my cardio... and my excuse for eating pizza"

3. "I'm here for the goals and the post-game snacks"

4. "Soccer: where kicking balls is socially acceptable"

5. "I'm not a player, I just kick a lot"

6. "Soccer: the only sport where you can slide tackle your friends"

7. "My goal in life? To score more goals than Messi"

8. "Soccer mom/dad: because multitasking is my superpower"

9. "I'm not short, I'm just closer to the ground for those low shots"

10. "Soccer: where the grass stains are a badge of honor"

Above is Funny soccer t shirts sayings.

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Sayings for wooden signs jpg

1. Home is where the heart is.2. Live, laugh, love.3. Bless this mess.4. Family rules: love, laugh, forgive.5. Life is better at the cabin.6. Welcome to our happy place.7. This kitchen is seasoned with love.8. Adventure awaits.9. Gather here with grateful hearts.10. Home sweet hom