Funny stop eating chocolate sayings

1. "I'm on a chocolate diet. I've already eaten all the chocolate in the house, so now I can't eat any more!"

2. "I'm not addicted to chocolate, I'm just in a committed relationship with it."

3. "I don't always eat chocolate, but when I do, I make sure to eat the whole bar in one sitting."

4. "I'm not a chocoholic, I just have a strong appreciation for the cocoa bean."

5. "I'm not eating chocolate, I'm just conducting a scientific experiment on the effects of excessive chocolate consumption."

6. "I'm not eating chocolate, I'm just giving my taste buds a workout."

7. "I don't need a reason to stop eating chocolate, I need a reason to stop eating anything else."

8. "I'm not eating chocolate, I'm just practicing for a world record attempt in chocolate consumption."

9. "I'm not eating chocolate, I'm just conducting a taste test to determine the best chocolate in the world."

10. "I'm not eating chocolate, I'm just supporting the cocoa bean farmers by single-handedly consuming their entire harvest."

Above is Funny stop eating chocolate sayings.

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As annoying as sayings

Like, literally.

Optimistic sayings and

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Rainbow and budha sayings

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