Funny sweet 16 sayings

1. "Sweet 16 and never been kissed... well, maybe once or twice!"

2. "Sixteen and still not sure how to adult properly."

3. "Turning 16 is like turning 21 in Celsius."

4. "Sweet 16 and still waiting for my Hogwarts acceptance letter."

5. "Sixteen and still using 'adulting' as a verb."

6. "Sweet 16 and already feeling like a seasoned pro at this whole life thing."

7. "Sixteen candles and still no idea how to blow them out gracefully."

8. "Turning 16 is like upgrading from a learner's permit to a full-on driver's license... watch out world!"

9. "Sweet 16 and still trying to figure out how to adult without adult supervision."

10. "Sixteen and still not sure if I'm a kid or a grown-up... can I be both?"

Above is Funny sweet 16 sayings.

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