Funny thanksgiving grace sayings

1. "Lord, bless this food and our waistlines as we indulge in this Thanksgiving feast."

2. "May our turkey be moist, our pies be sweet, and our relatives be on their best behavior."

3. "Thank you for the food before us, the family beside us, and the stretchy pants that will soon be upon us."

4. "Bless this food and the hands that prepared it, especially if those hands were mine."

5. "As we gather around the table, let us give thanks for the food, the laughter, and the fact that we don't have to do the dishes tonight."

6. "Lord, give us the strength to resist the urge to take a nap after this meal, and the willpower to resist going back for seconds...or thirds."

7. "May our gratitude be as abundant as the mashed potatoes and gravy on our plates."

8. "Let us be thankful for the food on our plates, the love in our hearts, and the elastic in our pants."

9. "Bless this food, bless this family, and bless the poor soul who gets stuck with the wishbone."

10. "Lord, help us remember that Thanksgiving is not just about the food, but also about the joy of being together...and maybe a little bit about the pie."

Above is Funny thanksgiving grace sayings.

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