Funny wednesday sayings and pictures

Here are some funny Wednesday sayings and pictures for you:

1. "Wednesday: halfway to the weekend, halfway to losing my mind."

2. "On Wednesdays, we wear pink... and pretend it's Friday."

3. "Wednesday: the day when even my coffee needs a coffee."

4. "When life gives you lemons, throw them back and demand coffee on a Wednesday."

5. "Wednesday: the day I can see the weekend, but it's still too far away."

6. [Image of a cat looking disheveled with the caption: "This is my Wednesday face."]

7. [Image of a sloth hanging from a tree with the caption: "Just hanging in there, it's only Wednesday."]

8. [Image of a minion from Despicable Me with the caption: "It's only Wednesday? I demand a recount!"]

9. [Image of a penguin wearing a tie with the caption: "Dressed for success... on a Wednesday."]

10. [Image of a grumpy cat with the caption: "Wednesday: the struggle is real."]

Above is Funny wednesday sayings and pictures.

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Sayings about self discipline

1. Self-discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. - Jim Rohn2. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. - Jim Rohn3. The ability to discipline yourself to delay gratification in the short term in order to enjoy greater rewards in the long term is the indispens

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Beautiful sayings in german

1. Die schönsten Dinge im Leben sind nicht Dinge. 2. Das Glück ist das einzige, was sich verdoppelt, wenn man es teilt.3. In der Ruhe liegt die Kraft.4. Wer kämpft, kann verlieren. Wer nicht kämpft, hat schon verloren.5. Das Leben ist wie ein Fahrrad. Man muss sich vorwärts bewegen, um das

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1. I am truly grateful for your generosity and kindness.2. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support.3. Your generosity has touched me deeply, thank you.4. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for your incredible gift.5. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity.6. I cannot

Sayings about having fun in life

1. Life is short, so make sure to have fun along the way.2. Don't forget to play and have fun, it's an important part of life.3. The most wasted of all days is one without laughter and fun.4. Fun is not a luxury, it's a necessity for a fulfilling life.5. Enjoy the little things in life, for

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1. Sweet 16 and never been so sweet! Happy birthday!2. Wishing you a day filled with love, laughter, and lots of sweet treats on your 16th birthday!3. You're only 16 once, so make the most of it! Happy birthday!4. Here's to 16 years of amazing memories and many more to come. Happy birthday!5

Book sayings t shirt

If you're looking for a t-shirt with a book saying on it, you can consider getting a custom t-shirt made with a quote from your favorite book. There are also many online stores that sell t-shirts with literary quotes and book-related sayings. Just search for book sayings t-shirt online and you sho