Gary neville sayings

1. "You can't win anything with kids."

2. "Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win."

3. "The most important thing in football is to keep the ball. If you've got the ball, you're in control."

4. "The most important thing for a young player is to enjoy the game."

5. "You have to be ready to run through a brick wall for your team."

6. "You can't just turn up and expect to win, you have to earn it."

7. "Football is all about winning. If you don't win, you're nothing."

8. "The best teams have a strong mentality. They never give up."

9. "In football, you have to be willing to sacrifice for the team."

10. "The best players are the ones who are never satisfied, who always want to improve."

Above is Gary neville sayings.

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