Gender reveal party card sayings

1. "Pink or blue, we can't wait to meet you!"

2. "Team Boy or Team Girl, let's give it a whirl!"

3. "He or she, what will it be? Join us for the reveal party!"

4. "Boy or girl, we'll soon unfurl. Join us for the big reveal!"

5. "Pink bows or blue bows, which one do you suppose?"

6. "It's a surprise, before our eyes. Join us for the big reveal!"

7. "What's the scoop? Join us for the big reveal of our little troop!"

8. "Twinkle, twinkle little star, how we wonder what you are!"

9. "Pink or blue, we're over the moon. Join us for the reveal soon!"

10. "Boy or girl, our hearts awhirl. Join us for the big reveal!"

Above is Gender reveal party card sayings.

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