Geordie sayings 2019

Here are some popular Geordie sayings from 2019:

1. "Howay man!" - An expression of encouragement or disbelief.

2. "Gan on then!" - Go on, do it!

3. "Divvent be daft!" - Don't be silly.

4. "Areet pet?" - Hello, how are you?

5. "Hinny" - Term of endearment, similar to "love" or "dear."

6. "Canny" - Good or nice.

7. "Whey aye man!" - Yes, definitely.

8. "Gan canny" - Take it easy, be careful.

9. "Haddaway and shite!" - Go away and stop talking nonsense.

10. "Howay the lads!" - Come on, let's do this!

Above is Geordie sayings 2019.

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