German funeral sayings

Here are some traditional German funeral sayings that are commonly used to express condolences and sympathy:

1. "Mein aufrichtiges Beileid" - My sincere condolences

2. "In stiller Trauer" - In silent mourning

3. "Ruhe in Frieden" - Rest in peace

4. "Ein letzter Gruß" - A final farewell

5. "Gedenken in Liebe" - Remembered with love

6. "Die Erinnerung bleibt" - The memory remains

7. "In Gedanken bei dir" - Thinking of you

8. "Ein Licht für deine Reise" - A light for your journey

9. "Der Tod ist das Tor zum Licht" - Death is the gateway to light

10. "Du wirst immer in unseren Herzen sein" - You will always be in our hearts

These sayings can be used in sympathy cards, funeral programs, or when offering condolences in person.

Above is German funeral sayings.

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