German good night sayings

1. Gute Nacht und süße Träume! (Good night and sweet dreams!)

2. Schlaf gut und träum was Schönes! (Sleep well and dream something beautiful!)

3. Träum süß und lass die Sorgen los! (Dream sweetly and let go of your worries!)

4. Schlafe tief und ruhig, bis morgen früh! (Sleep deeply and peacefully, until tomorrow morning!)

5. Möge die Nacht dir Erholung und Ruhe bringen! (May the night bring you rest and peace!)

Above is German good night sayings.

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Playa sayings meme

Life is better at the beach 🏖️Salt in the air, sand in my hair 🌊Good vibes happen on the tides 🌞Let the sea set you free 🌊Sandy toes, sun-kissed nose ☀️Seas the day 🌊Mermaid vibes only 🧜‍♀️Ocean air, salty hair 🌊Keep calm and beach on 🏝️Shell yeah! 🐚