German sayings about stupidity

1. "Dumm wie Bohnenstroh." (Stupid as bean straw.)

2. "Dumm wie Brot." (Stupid as bread.)

3. "Dumm wie ein Esel." (Stupid as a donkey.)

4. "Dumm wie ein Huhn." (Stupid as a chicken.)

5. "Dumm wie Stroh." (Stupid as straw.)

6. "Dumm wie ein Stein." (Stupid as a stone.)

7. "Dumm wie ein Fisch." (Stupid as a fish.)

8. "Dumm wie ein Pfosten." (Stupid as a post.)

9. "Dumm wie ein Sack Nüsse." (Stupid as a sack of nuts.)

10. "Dumm wie ein Stück Brot." (Stupid as a piece of bread.)

Above is German sayings about stupidity.

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