German sayings that make no sense in english

1. "Das ist mir Wurst." - Literally translates to "That's sausage to me," meaning "I don't care."

2. "Da steppt der Bär." - Translates to "There the bear dances," meaning "There's a lot of action going on."

3. "Jetzt mal Butter bei die Fische." - Translates to "Now put butter on the fish," meaning "Get to the point."

4. "Du gehst mir tierisch auf den Keks." - Translates to "You're really getting on my cookie," meaning "You're annoying me."

5. "Das ist mir Wurst." - Translates to "That's sausage to me," meaning "I don't care."

These sayings may seem nonsensical when translated directly into English, but they are commonly used in German to convey certain meanings or expressions.

Above is German sayings that make no sense in english.

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